Larry KN8I & Mary KD8LI's
Antenna Hill & Tip of the Mitt


KN8I'S High Standing Wave!

80 Ft. Tower w/ 2m 34-elements

Total of 5 Towers

70 foot tower with 8 element

KLM log-periodic 6-40 meter

  Larry & his Cherokee Piper PA28-140 with amateur radio.

KN8I's "Antenna Hill" ShackKN8I's "Antenna Hill" Shack
KN8I & KD8LI's Tip of the Mitt

Tip of the Mitt

Tip of the Mitt

KN8I's "Tip of the Mitt Shack"

Mary KD8LI & Larry KN81

Here's the list of antennas on Antenna Hill at Yale MI:

Extended Double Zepp for 40m  at 60 feet ,use on all bands with tuner.

KLM Log-Periodic 6-40 meters at 75 feet, tailtwister rotor.

Hustler 5-btv with 4 radials per band ground mounted.

Two half waves in phase at 50 feet for 40m beaming s/w n/e, use on all bands with tuner

Two half waves in phase at 50 feet for 40m beaming s/e n/w, use on all bands with tuner.

There are three sloping dipoles on the king tower for 40m. sloping from 65 feet at 60 degree angle.

40m dipole at 70 feet between king tower and south east tower. Beaming n/s

Delta loop on 40m apex at 60 feet beaming n/s, north east tower.

Fan dipole for 10-40m  at 60 feet  between south east tower and north east tower.

Diamond shape  loop on 80m apex at 80 feet, south east tower. Beaming s/w -n/e.

Diamond shape loop on 40 meters apex at 60 feet, south east  tower. Beaming s/w-n/e.

Nvis near vertical incidence skywave antenna for 40 meters at 10 feet.

Loop antenna for 160m at 50 feet between all the towers.

Dipole for 160m at 60 feet inverted vee off the north east tower to anchors at 25 feet in yard.

Long wire for all band use from 30 -60 feet 450 foot long.

Half wave sloper for 80m at 70 feet off King tower sloping south.

There is a short tower for satellite use 2m and 440 and also 10 meter vertical.

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